Headshots Photography


HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHY – For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media,

or Meet the Team section on your website,

or even Staff ID badges,

everybody needs a good headshot pic!

From Solicitors and Accountants firms to WeightWatchers leaders and Council officers, we have taken headshots for these and many more in a variety of venues ranging from offices to Council Chambers even in  Terminal 2 Dublin Airport. We come to you and set up flashes and backgrounds, to make sure you and your colleagues look your best. Choose from a range of colour backdrops or a nice environmental background. We will show you off at your best with minimal disruption to your working day. How long will it take? Not long – in fact working closely with one comms team we were able to take thirty two staff members in one forty-five minute session. Why not get in touch and find out what we can do for you?

Get in touch!

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