
From Viking Hordes to Tall Ships

Or an Ambassador’s Visit or an Archbishop’s Ordination

Liam McArdle Photography have covered a huge variety of events, and working closely with Communications Teams and PR Consultants, always capture the key moments of any event.

Images can be sent to media direct from the location.

Events Portfolio

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For billboards, brochures, or buses,

or magazine covers, TV ads, annual reports

Liam McArdle Photography have a proven track record in delivering photographs that their clients love and picture editors choose.

We cover PR assignments throughout Ireland, can deliver images as soon as the shoot is completed and are fully aware of media deadlines.

We are trusted photographers for: PR Consultants, Communications Departments, Government Agencies, Councils, Banks, Supermarkets, Charities and Businesses and many more.


Who we have worked with

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PR Portfolio

Get in touch!

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HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHY – For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media,

or Meet the Team section on your website,

or even Staff ID badges,

everybody needs a good headshot pic!

From Solicitors and Accountants firms to WeightWatchers leaders and Council officers, we have taken headshots for these and many more in a variety of venues ranging from offices to Council Chambers even in  Terminal 2 Dublin Airport. We come to you and set up flashes and backgrounds, to make sure you and your colleagues look your best. Choose from a range of colour backdrops or a nice environmental background. We will show you off at your best with minimal disruption to your working day. How long will it take? Not long – in fact working closely with one comms team we were able to take thirty two staff members in one forty-five minute session. Why not get in touch and find out what we can do for you?

Get in touch!

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